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Sunday, June 8, 2008

{Fairytale Runners}

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I absolutely LOVE custom aisle runners! Even if it’s one of the only things you do to spruce up your ceremony site, it’s such a fantastic way to make your wedding feel like a custom event. Fairytale Runners was started by a former bride, who got such rave reviews on her own runner, that she began making them for family and friends, and then went into business! I saw this on one of my daily blog reads last week, and had to share after checking out the website {can’t for the life of me find who posted about this–so if it was you, let me know!}

I’ve seen lots of places you can buy custom runners—ebay, etsy, other websites—but what caught my eye about Fairytale Runners is that they actually use canvas to make the aisle runner. This means no snagging, no poking a heel through the runner, and canvas is heavy enough to hold it’s own in the aisle, and not wrinkle up as much. Anyone who has painted on canvas knows what a difference it makes!

The website it amazing—you can select all of your preferences online, starting with the width and length of your runner, all the way to the monogram, saying, font, and picture. One thing I especially liked was that you can send in a custom color by going to a Benjamin Moore paint store, and giving them an exact color code of what you want! No guessing, no hoping they can match the swatch from your ‘maids dress! Check it out—and later this week, look for a DIY post on doing it yourself (I did, and you can too!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the custom runners, can't wait for the diy post.


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